This is my 1st blog about the loss of my daughter Gabriella. I lost my little girl due to placenta previa at 28 weeks 5 days. There has not been a day that has gone by that I dont think about that dredful day that the Dr told me "sorry but, the baby is gone." On Jan. 25th 2010 I found out I was pregnant. I was so joyful that I was gonna be a mommy. Me and my then fiance (we are now married) hurried home to tell his family, everyone was so happy for us. On Feb. 13th 2010 I married the love of my life Shane I'll never forget the look in his eye when I walked down the asile :) I felt so much love that day. On May 18th 2010 Shane and I found out we where having a baby girl we decided to name her Gabriella Lynn. I loved every moment of feeling my little girl kick me whe her daddy was around. on memorial day weekend I started bleeding, I was put in the hospital for 2 days with a tear in my cervix. Once released I was put on bedrest for 4 weeks I decided to stay on for 5 weeks just to be safe on July 8th I went to the Dr. little did I know It would be the last time I would hear my baby's heart beat. That day my dr. cleared me to go on vacation, the next day my husband and I left for IL. On July 13th I informed my husband that Gabriella had not been kicking me for 24 hours he rushed me to the er where they ran test and informed me that the baby had died. I was then refered to another hospital that would deliever me. On July 14th my Angel Gabriella came into the world. She was a beautiful combination of me and my husband. She weighed 2lbs 1oz and was 13.5 inches long. I'll always think of my baby girl Gabriella.
I love you Gabriella R.I.P my ANGEL